SKYRUN design

Lower your risks and shorten your time to market with Skyrun
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Medical Equipment
Consulting, design, import and certification services for medical equipment, including non-medical equipment used in medical applications.
Commercial Products
import and certification services for telecom and radio equipment, computers and accessories, smartphones, digital cameras, home appliances, car accessories, electrical vehicle charges, etc .
Israel Market Access
GMA and Local Representative services, including Israeli MOE and MOC approvals support.

1.Consumer Products
2. Comersial and Industrial Products
3. Medical Equipment
Helping you to find the right solutions.
Using the specialist skill of our experts can allow your business to more appropriately meet clients’ needs. It can also be useful when you are in a start-up or expansion phase and can’t afford to take on full-time employees to immediately help you operate specific functions of your business.
Israel Market Access

Importer Of Record

Expert Opinion

Company Background
Skyrun was established in 1996 for import of electrical goods to Israel. First working with home appliances, later with high technology products - mainly telecom and datacom. more recently with car and EVC accessories. Today Skyrun Ltd portfolio includes also Medical products.
For few years Skyrun provides Importer Of Record (Local Representative) services in Israel to manufacturers around the world, obtaining their Israeli MOC, MOE, SII and AMAR import permits through Hermon Laboratories Ltd in Israel, SIEMIC and Go Global Compliance Inc. in USA and other international partners.
Skyrun provides Import of Record, Local representative and "Ready to Ship" service. It starts from providing most basic representative services to contact chosen importer to get regulatory approvals in his name, represent manufacturer in application to regulatory authorities such as MOC, MOE, SII or AMAR, to importing revenue shipment fitted with Israeli power cables, labels and user manual.
Company Director and Co-founder Michael Brun is one of national leading experts on regulatory and compliance issues. With main expertise in ITE and Medical Electrical product categories, he provides consulting on compliance issues related to applicable safety standards, product changes and their affect on product compliance status, standard interpretations and similar engineering subjects.